eucalyptus 3.0 setup: 2 EL6 boxes: installed these pkgs to setup repos needed: pgrpms - - postgres pkgs elrepo - euca - epel modified eucalyptus repos to make them point to 6 not $releasever b/c of 6Server on rhel releasever clc/cc/walrus/sc box: • disable selinux • setup all of the above repos • configure devices - br0 with eth0 • open up firewall to nc • open up 8080/8443? • yum install eucalyptus-cc eucalyptus-cloud unzip eucalyptus-walrus eucalyptus-sc dejavu-serif-fonts • (fonts are for the reporting to work) • reboot Note on the cc/clc: • if the db gets hosed and won't start run • su eucalyptus -c "/usr/pgsql-9.1/bin/pg_resetxlog /var/lib/eucalyptus/db/data" nc: • disable selinux • setup only the euca repo • setup node with libvirtd and a bridged device • reboot • yum install eucalyptus-nc libvirt • modify /etc/libvirt/libvirtd.conf • make the group of the socket be eucalyptus in the file • make the auth_unix_rw="none" • add the qemu user to the eucalyptus group - this is for write access to the instances/cache dir that qemu/libvirt must have Setup: CC/CLC: box: - euca_conf --initialize - /etc/init.d/eucalyptus-cloud start - wait 30-60s - euca_conf --get-credentials - unzip - cd euca - source eucarc - cd admin - euca_conf --register-walrus -H hostname_of_walrus -C $myname_walrus -P walrus <--- THIS MUST BE 'walrus' - euca_conf --register-sc -H hostname_of_sc -C $myname_SC -P mycloudname - euca_conf --register-cluster -H hostname_of_cc -C $myname_CC -P mycloudname - /etc/init.d/eucalyptus-cc start - euca_conf --register-nodes hostname_of_nc NC box: - /etc/init.d/eucalyptus-nc start CC/CLC box: - euca-describe-availability-zones verbose - euca-describe-nodes